First, we have the iconic disembodied face. It's simple, easily recognizable, and isn't disturbing when detached from the body in this manner.
Another interesting thing, as I was shuffling through my old bills, I found a notice informing me that, whatever information that was normally in my bills would now be found online, instead of in my statement, for my convenience, so that "I wouldn't have to deal with all that paper." Wait a tic, more convenient for who now? Why not just say, "We decided to put this information online to save on paper costs."
I once had a similar, yet more frustrating situation with a Sports Illustrated subscription. I went to Best Buy, where the cashier offered me a free trial subscription. I specifically asked if it would be an automatic renewal at the end of the free 30 days, which I would have to stop before they began charging me. After the cashier assured me that I'd receive a statement asking me to renew, I signed up for the subscription (which I never even read). Shortly after, I got a notice in the mail saying:
Well, I learned a lesson from that.
Seriously though, do these people realize that they're insulting their customers by placating us like to their children?
We know you're reducing the paper costs for the company, not for our convenience. Most of us don't care.
We know you're automatically renewing so that lazy people won't log on to unsubscribe. That is not convenient to us. If you just say, "You're subscription will be renewed automatically", without all the "for your convenience" bullshit, it will annoy us, but it won't insult us. Insulting us just assures that we will go the extra mile to log on and unsubscribe.
Off topic; interesting thing I realized, while looking for images to make that photoshopped picture at the top of this post, looking at pictures of clowns pisses me off.
Note: This post conatins many links. You may want to just skim their content.
J-Dubb's Theatre has now officially been around for two years. So now I will recap the second year of J-Dubb's Theatre. I know how you love a good anniversary recounting. Don't deny it, I know you do.